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low temperature environment

In the cold winter, the clothing of mom and dad to worry about is the baby, worry less wear can let the baby catch cold in winter, so the baby will be Mom and dad wrapped like dumplings. But now life is better, many families have heating. The heating at home parents, the clothing must not ignore the baby clothes, to increase or decrease .

The heating chamber to wear less clothes

Baby if you wear too much or often sweating, pores in the extended state, it is easy to catch cold catch cold sick. So it is often said: "to children, Suobi Mi of hunger and cold."

Another point is that, when the baby to the ambient temperature over 34 ℃, can cause fever, then a lot of sweat, cause dehydration, acidosis, and even brain hypoxia.
According to the specific situation of indoor temperature and cold baby to give the baby to change clothes.

So in general indoor low temperature environment, baby clothes to wear is provided for: "underwear, thin sweater or cotton clothes + thick sweater"; under the "warm underwear + Maoku thin or thick cotton pants + thick trousers". In a heated room, should moderately reduce clothing.montagut
Mom and dad in the baby dress simply grasp a point, that is the baby's clothes only than the adult to reduce a.

In addition, mom and Dad don't always afraid the baby cold, also wear a lot of clothes for the baby in the room, and even some parents in the baby sleep with hot water bag, heating apparatus. In fact, in the indoor excessive warmth is disadvantageous to the baby, even cause "baby stuffy syndrome".

タグ :barcode-life

Posted by jfeded at 13:27Comments(0)baby