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mothers think grass stains

Mother always hope that the ubabee baby wear online is clean and beautiful, cannot tolerate a baby into "little sloppy," often a baby clothes, change a. But in the face of a piece with the milk stains, grease, dirt stain clothes, another problem is the front of the mother -- how to easily wash these clothes clean?

1, if the baby to eat egg yolk, careful not to get clothes, then washing can the clothes soaked in cold water, do not stir, 1 hours later, you can follow the method of washing.

2, if the baby to eat watermelon juice,ubabee cheap baby wears tomato and strawberry fruits, juices dripping down onto the clothing, or clothing with chocolate stains, can use soda water immersion after a period of time, and then hand rub, until the stain, then according to the normal method of washing.

3, clothes with milk stains, can use cold water washing, can be removed and then use the washing powder with enzyme washing.

4, sometimes the baby to eat, probably because not good or bad breath and bring food to make the clothes dirty, encounter this kind of situation, can wipe the rejection, and then rinse with washing powder with enzyme washing it.

5, take the baby to go to the park to play,ipazzport Air mouse the baby likes in the grass somersaults, roll, dirty clothes also can hardly be avoided. Many mothers think grass stains are hard to wash, do not let children according to their own way of playing the. In fact, there is grass stains on clothes washing, if normal is not effective, can use gauze dip alcohol scrub.


Posted by jfeded at 18:12Comments(0)clothes