ナチュログ管理画面 釣女・釣りガール 釣女・釣りガール 北海道・東北 アウトドア&フィッシングナチュラムアウトドア用品お買い得情報


CNC とは何ですか? その利点は何ですか?

CNC とは何ですか?その利点は何ですか?

24 時間営業の窓口があります。他の手動機械と比較して、より正確で正確な作業を行うことができます。オペレーターは変更を簡単に実装できるため、待ち時間が短縮されます。これらの機器の操作に必要な人員が少ないため、人件費が削減されます。


C 軸位置: アブソリュートまたはインクリメンタル (Z 軸を中心とした回転軸) D. カッター補正直径またはラジアル オフセットを指定します。旋盤では、D を使用して切削深さを指定します。

公開日: 2021 年 5 月 17 日。完全な生産に入る前に、ダミー製品を作成または製造して、機能と故障の可能性をテストします。この手法は、ラピッド プロトタイピングとして知られています。ラピッド プロトタイピングには、さまざまな手法を使用できます。

完全に構築された通信機器を保証する最良の方法の 1 つは、CNC 機械加工です。複雑なカスタム パーツは、コンピューター技術のおかげで設計および製造できます。 CNC 機械工は、さまざまな最先端の機械加工方法にアクセスできるため、最も複雑なアイテムでも作成できます。

CNC M コードの意味は?

How is the speed of CNC cutting determined?

How is the speed of CNC cutting determined?The formula for calculating machining time is as follows: Length of Cut (mm)...

Is 3D printing or CNC less expensive?

Is 3D printing or CNC less expensive?Although 3D printing is generally more affordable, prices vary depending on how man...

Which is larger, a prototype or a model?

Which is larger, a prototype or a model?The scaled-down version of any physical structure is called a model. A model is ...


Posted by jfeded at 15:13Comments(0)




我建議在內衣上穿保暖衣,尤其是你可能想幾天不洗就穿:-)襪子穿在保暖衣上,有助於防止下雪. 通常情况下,你可能想要在三層上達到最大限度--一層保暖層,一層輕便的滑雪上衣或羊毛衫,然後是一件滑雪夾克.


暖空氣的密度比冷空氣低,這導致暖空氣上升. 經驗法則是,當太陽升起山坡時,熱氣會在早晨上升,而當太陽下山時,熱氣則會在傍晚下降. 2021 9月29日


羊毛,絲綢或聚丙烯比棉能保持更多的身體熱量. 隔熱層:隔熱層將通過將空氣截留在身體附近來幫助你保持熱量. 羊毛,鵝絨或羊毛等天然纖維效果最好. 2021 11月1日


在日常衣物下穿保暖衣物. 早上醒來時,你應該檢查一下室內溫度
晚上穿保暖衣. 晚上睡覺前,你還應該看看室內溫度


織物內的纖維會吸收熱量並減緩向周圍環境的傳遞. 另外,合適尺寸的保暖內衣會粘在皮膚上,吸收汗液,防止蒸發. 一種冷卻效果,身體的熱量會迅速流失到空氣中.


採用美利奴羊毛或美利奴混合羊毛的保暖內衣通常是最保暖的. 它們的吸濕能力即使在活動或潮濕的條件下也能讓你保持溫暖,比合成混合物或其他選擇更好.


第一層--是你的保暖層,貼在你的皮膚上. 你會發現它們有3種不同的形式. Thermals最好的面料是羊毛,主要是美利奴. 羊毛通過鎖住身體熱量幫助保持身體溫暖.


如果你有幾雙,你可以在洗衣服前穿上三天或更多天.你可以把它推到一周或更長時間. 這是常規穿著. 2021 3月3日


如果你有幾雙,你可以在洗衣服前穿上三天或更多天.你可以把它推到一周或更長時間. 這是常規穿著. 2021 3月3日




Posted by jfeded at 01:38Comments(0)


Which banks have UnionPay cards?

Which banks have UnionPay cards?

Almost all the ATMs in the UAE accept UnionPay cards ,cardholders are able to withdraw local currency at ATMs of Mashreq, Citi Bank , Standard Chartered Bank,United Bank RAK bank and so on. There are UnionPay signage on these ATMs or the ATM screen, and many ATMs provide the interface in Chinese.

Does credit union affect credit score?

All credit union and community lender products are marked with a 'Community Loan' badge. You can search for loans as many times as you like – it won't damage your credit score. Just remember, we're a credit broker, not a lender.

Can foreigners get credit card in China?

Can foreigners get a credit card in China? As a foreigner, if you have a residence or work permit and can prove you have a steady income, you can apply for a credit card. To get a credit card in China, you will need all of the above documents, plus proof of income.

Is UnionPay a credit card or debit card?

The UnionPay debit card is a great alternative to carrying cash or checks. Cardholders can enjoy the convenience and security of making purchases with their own money simply by linking their bank accounts to a UnionPay debit card.

What is the best credit union?

Best Credit Unions – November 2022
State Employees' Credit Union, APY: 1.01%, Min. Balance: $25.
Navy Federal Credit Union, APY: 0.25%, Min. Balance: $5.
Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, APY: 0.10%, Min. Balance: $50.
Members 1st Federal Credit Union, APY: 0.10%, Min. ...
America First Federal Credit Union, APY: 0.05%, Min.

Is UnionPay accepted in Dubai?

In the UAE, UnionPay cards are accepted at all POS terminals and almost all local ATMs.

Which bank gives the highest credit card limit?

On our list, the card with the highest reported limit is the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, which some say offers a $100,000 limit. We've also seen an advertised maximum credit limit of $100,000 on the First Tech Odyssey Rewards™ World Elite Mastercard®, a credit union rewards card.

Do people in China pay rent?

The rent in China is usually paid a month in advance. The duration of your stay will also determine which type of accommodation is most suitable for you. Depending on that, there are different ways to conduct your housing search. Most [regular" apartments can be rented for at least one year.

Is Alipay like a credit card?

Alipay is a payment app and digital wallet, allowing users to send and receive money easily without using cash. It is also a superapp, meaning that it also has countless other features that allow users to hail a taxi, get a credit card and even buy insurance.

What is Asia using instead of credit cards?

Digital wallets now completely dominate the e-commerce space in APAC, making up 68.5% of the segment's transaction value in APAC compared to only 12.8% of the share of credit and charge cards, according to data from financial technology service provider FIS' 2022 edition of the Global Payments Report.


まず、銀行カード使用上の注意1.カードをスワイプして消費するときは、カードをカードChina unionpay credit card界から外さないでください。パスワードを入力するときは、他人がのぞき見しないようにしてください。オーダーフォ...


Posted by jfeded at 16:52Comments(0)




酮導致體重增加的最大罪魁禍首之一是沒有跟蹤你的食物攝入。 追跡你所吃的一切,以確保你在任何地方都不會過量進食,這一點很重要。 您還需要確保檢查宏。 2021 10月26日


一個人可以吃西瓜作為酮類飲食的一部分,只要他們確保碳水化合物含量符合他們想要的宏觀營養比例。 西瓜含有豐富的營養物質,能保持大量水分。 囙此,它們是保持水分和整體健康的合適水果。 2021 03月15日


藍莓是健康和營養的,生藍莓可以很容易地成為你的酮類飲食的一部分——特別是如果你計算的是總碳水化合物而不是淨碳水化合物。 然而,幹藍莓和大多數由藍莓製成的食品中的碳水化合物對酮來說太高了。


如果你每天攝入的碳水化合物少於50克,通常需要2-4天才能進入酮症。 然而,有些人可能需要更長的時間,這取決於身體活動水准、年齡、新陳代謝、碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質攝入等因素。


茶、咖啡和凉茶是幾種選擇。 蘇打水、汽水、低碳水化合物果汁、運動飲料和能量飲料也是不錯的選擇。 儘管如此,你還是要選擇低碳水化合物、無糖的產品,並尋找使用甜菊糖而非人造甜味劑的產品。


花生醬當然可以作為酮類飲食的一部分,但最好選擇不含額外口味和甜味劑的普通食物。 杏仁黃油也是一個不錯的選擇,它的碳水化合物含量略低。 此外,如果你想减肥,你應該注意你的份量。


據西北醫學院麥克亨利醫院的營養師Richelle Gomez,MS,RDN,LDN表示,生酮飲食的目的是通過减少碳水化合物來燃燒脂肪。 她解釋道:“你的身體將碳水化合物轉化為葡萄糖以獲取能量。”。 “當你從飲食中减少碳水化合物時,你就會轉而燃燒脂肪酸或酮。”


腰果是一種受歡迎的堅果和健康方便的零食。 然而,它們並不是最適合酮類飲食的堅果,因為它們的碳水化合物相對較高,特別是與其他堅果如山核桃或澳洲堅果相比。 也就是說,如果你真的喜歡腰果,你可以在你的酮飲食中騰出空間。 2021 2月5日



通常情况下,咖啡的熱量和酸度會殺死益生菌,研究人員表示,益生菌咖啡應該冷藏食用。 這也意味著僅僅在熱咖啡中添加益生菌補充劑可能會抵消健康益處。 2021 10月28日




酮是什麼樣的牛奶?不加糖的杏仁奶、椰子奶、澳洲堅果奶、亞麻奶、豆奶、腰果奶和豌豆奶——以及一半、一半和重奶油——都是對酮友好的牛奶選擇。 梅奧是酮嗎?蛋黃醬是Keto飲食的理想調味品,因為它含有高脂肪、低蛋白和零碳水化合物。 它還具有許多...


酮症能減輕多少體重?據說,人們在第一周內報告的體重下降幅度從1磅(0.5公斤)到10磅(5公斤)不等。 你的體型越大,開始服用酮類藥物後,你可能會减少更多的水重量。 什麼是骯髒的禁食?如果間歇性禁食不適合你,你可能想嘗試一種叫做髒禁食的替...


蜂蜜酮友好嗎?簡短的回答是:沒有。長的回答是,仍然沒有,但這並不意味著蜂蜜對你有害或不能成為健康飲食的一部分。 蜂蜜恰巧含有高碳水化合物——這是身體健康的有效燃料來源,適量攝入——而酮類飲食幾乎不需要攝入碳水化合物。 我應該喝多少水?Ket...


Posted by jfeded at 08:45Comments(0)




由於其結構方式,ETF 在本質上比指數基金更具稅收效率。當您出售 ETF 時,您通常會將其出售給另一個購買它的投資者,而現金直接來自他們。該銷售的資本利得稅由您自己支付。

我怎樣才能獲得我的錢的 5% 利息?

以下是您今天可以開立的最佳 5% 利息儲蓄賬戶:
當前:4% 最高 0000。
願望:3-5% 最高 0000。
淨支出:5% 最高 000 .
數字聯邦信用合作社:6.17% 最高 ,000。
Blue Federal Credit Union:5% 最高 ,000。
Mango Money:6% 最高 ,500。
Landmark Credit Union : 7.50% 至 00。

Netflix 是藍籌股嗎?




Zacks 值得花錢嗎?

Zacks Premium 結合了股票顧問、選股服務和研究工具的優勢。每年49的價格是合理的,值得訂閱。

我們可以在 SIP 中添加一次性金額嗎?

是的,你當然可以。共同基金公司允許您以任何您喜歡的方式投資共同基金計劃。因此,如果您在計劃 A 中與共同基金公司有一個正在進行的 SIP,您絕對可以在同一計劃中一次性添加更多金額。

2022 年哪隻基金最適合 SIP?

2022 年最佳 SIP 共同基金(股票)
ICICI 保誠小型股基金直接計劃增長 4138 0.8
雪絨花小型股基金直接增長 1299 0.5
ICICI 保誠大中型股基金直接計劃增長 5642 1.13
SBI 大中型基金直接增長 7732 1.1
20 更多行

Zacks Ultimate 中包含什麼?

Zacks Ultimate 計劃為您提供 Zacks 高級工具以及所有 Zacks 私人投資組合的買賣,包括:6 種專注於股息、價值股票和 ETF 的長期投資者服務。 9 種短期交易服務,專注於技術分析、內幕買入,甚至期權。


從今天開始投資 0,000 的最佳策略
充值您的應急基金。風險等級:低。 ...
系列 I 債券。風險等級:低。 ...
還清債務。風險等級:低。 ...
補足您的退休金。 ...
開設應稅經紀賬戶。 ...
投資股息股票。 ...
投資 ETF。 ...


良好的投資回報率通常被認為是每年 7% 左右。這是投資者根據通脹調整後標準普爾 500 指數的歷史平均回報率經常使用的晴雨表。



共同基金的良好回報率是多少?什麼是共同基金的良好 10 年回報率?在過去 10 年中,表現最好的大型公司股票共同基金的回報率高達 17%。值得注意的是,在多年牛市的推動下,平均年化回報率高於平時——在這段時間內為 14.70%。 如果沒人買...

哪個 SIP 是 10 年最好的?

哪個 SIP 是 10 年最好的?大盤股計劃計劃名稱 5 年月度 SIP 10 年月度 SIPICICI Pru Top 100 基金 (G) Rs.9,41,591 16.02%Quantum LT 股票基金 (G) – 直接計劃Rs.9...

我會在 SIP 中虧損嗎?

我會在 SIP 中虧損嗎?是的,在共同基金中存在虧損的可能性。共同基金的基礎是你有一個共同基金經理:他或她負責基金;他選擇股票,他可以交易基金;他可以選擇一組股票進行投資,這構成了共同基金。哪個共同基金是盈利的?下表顯示了最好的股票基金:5...


Posted by jfeded at 01:06Comments(0)


Is folic acid and vitamin B-12 s...

Is folic acid and vitamin B-12 same?

Both vitamin B-12 and folic acid are necessary for DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. But vitamin B-12 has an additional role in your body; it is necessary for proper neurological function.

What should I avoid while taking folic acid?

There are some medicines that may affect how folic acid works. Folic acid can also affect the way other medicines work. Do not take your folic acid within 2 hours before or after taking indigestion remedies (antacids containing aluminium or magnesium), as they may stop the folic acid being properly absorbed.

Does orange juice have folic acid?

Citrus fruits are especially rich in folate. Just one orange holds between 40 and 50 mcg, about ten percent of your daily value. A glass of orange juice can contain even more, especially if it has been fortified with folic acid.

What foods have iron for pregnancy?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of iron during pregnancy is 30 milligrams. Here are some foods rich in iron.
Iron-Rich Foods
Chicken, 3 ounces.
Green peas, 1/2 cup.
Tomato juice, 6 ounces.
Broccoli, 1/2 cup.
Brussels sprouts, 1/2 cup cooked.
Whole wheat bread, 1 slice.
Dried apricots, 5 halves.
Raspberries, 1 cup.
More items...

What are the symptoms of low folic acid?

Symptoms of vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
extreme tiredness.
a lack of energy.
pins and needles (paraesthesia)
a sore and red tongue.
mouth ulcers.
muscle weakness.
disturbed vision.
psychological problems, which may include depression and confusion.
More items...

What has a lot of folic acid?

Folic acid is commonly found in dark green and leafy vegetables such as: spinach. asparagus. romaine lettuces.

Do tomatoes have folic acid?

While it is recommended that women who are pregnant take a folic acid supplement, tomatoes are a great source of naturally-occurring folate.

When is the best time to take folic acid?

What is the best time of day to take folic acid? Most nutritionists say to take supplements, like folic acid, in the morning. Digestion slows at night, so taking your vitamins in the morning will allow for better and more efficient absorption into your system.

How much folic acid is in milk?

Food Micrograms (mcg) DFE per serving Percent DV*
Cantaloupe, raw, cubed, ½ cup 17 4
Vegetarian baked beans, canned, ½ cup 15 4
Fish, halibut, cooked, 3 ounces 12 3
Milk, 1% fat, 1 cup 12 3
29 more rows•

What food is highest in B12?

This is how much B12 you'll find in a 3-ounce serving of these foods:
Cooked clams: 84.1 micrograms.
Steamed mussels: 20.4 micrograms.
Cooked Atlantic mackerel: 16.1 micrograms.
Steamed Alaska king crab: 9.8 micrograms.
Cooked wild rainbow trout 5.4 micrograms.
Cooked salmon: 2.4 micrograms.


The "earwax" is wet and oily. What's wrong with the body?

The shape of ears is related to race. Yellow people have dry earwax, while Europeans, Americans and Africans have wet ea...

How can I improve my egg quality in 30 days?

How can I improve my egg quality in 30 days?How to improve egg quality for pregnancy & IVFImprove your blood flow. O...

How can one conceive twins?

How can one conceive twins?Some fertility drugs work by stimulating a woman s ovaries, which can sometimes cause them to...


Posted by jfeded at 21:12Comments(0)


Why is it called a chair?

Why is it called a chair?

A time table ensures that each class has only one teacher during learning hours of a particular period. Time table also reduces the confusion while learning. Students are very clear about the subject they have to study in a particular period.

How do chairs affect learning?

“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein is famous for being one of the greatest minds of our time.

How does lack of resources affect teaching and learning?

The more expensive the chair, the better the warranty. Expensive office chairs are built to last and made of high-quality materials, which is why they come with extended warranties that cover almost everything.

Why is a timetable important?

The lines of the v meet at the back center seat of the classroom. If you sit outside the V you are less likely to be as attentive or as involved and thus you may not be the best student you are capable of being. The best place to sit is near the front center of the room.

What does Einstein think about education?

Seating should support students' feet and low back; they should lower their shoulders, relax their arms, level their elbows with the keyboard, straighten their hands and wrists, bend their necks slightly and level their eyes with the text on the monitor.

Why are school chairs so expensive?

Food and clothing were the top two categories for average-income American teen spending as of Fall 2018. Each category accounted for a 20 percent share of total expenditures. Accessories, personal care and cosmetics came in third place with a spending share of ten percent.

Where should you sit in a classroom?

Ideally you should start about two weeks before you move into your dorm or apartment. This will give you more than enough preparation time to find what you need without the last-minute stress. It'll also give you plenty of time to go shopping for anything you don't already have.

How do you sit at a school desk?

It's a highly profitable business, says founder and CEO K Ganesh. “After the initial years, once the classrooms get filled up, schools give a profit margin of 50%,” says Mr Ganesh.

What do college students buy the most?

noun. an institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age: The children are at school.

What do high school students spend their money on?

A modular classroom is a prefabricated, modular school building constructed in standard unit sizes within a factory-controlled environment. These portable classrooms are then shipped to a school, where they can be quickly assembled on site.

School Furniture


Posted by jfeded at 00:28Comments(0)


When that child falls

In addition to finding his niece capable and patient as a nurse and housekeeper, Margaret interested him more than any individual he had known in many years. He secretly blessed the hour when she had come into his sombre life to enliven and, yes, enrich it. Not for worlds, however, would he have let her know what she was to him.

There were rare moments when he was actually moved to an expression of gratitude and tenderness for his long-suffering victim; but Margaret's touchingly eager response to such overtures (heart-hungry as she was in her loneliness) while gratifying him, had always the effect of making him promptly withdraw into his hard shell again and to counteract, by his most trying exactions, his momentary softness; so that in time she learned to dread any least sign of amiability.

She did not know the full extent of her uncle's selfishness in his treatment of her: how ruthlessly he schemed to avert the danger which he thought often threatened him of losing her to some one of the half-dozen middle-aged or elderly gentlemen of learning who had the habit of visiting him in his retirement and who, to the last man of them, whether married or single, adored his niece. It seemed that no man could lay eyes on her without promptly loving her (what men called love). Even his physician, happily married and the father of four lusty boys, was, Berkeley could see, quite mad about her, though Margaret never discovered it; she only thought him extremely agreeable and kind and liked him accordingly. Indeed the only fun she ever got out of this train of admirers was an occasional hour of liberty while they were closeted with her uncle; for he took care, as soon as he realized how alluring she was to most men, to have her out of the way when his acquaintances dropped in, a deprivation to his own comfort for which the visitor paid in an extra dose of pessimism and irony.

When that child falls in love, Berkeley once told himself, as of course so temperamental a girl is bound to do sooner or later, it will go hard with her. Let her wait, however, until I'm gone. Time enough for her then. I need her. Couldn't endure life without her now that I'm used to her!

So he not only gave her no opportunity to meet marriageable men, he tried to unsex her, to engraft upon her mind his own cynicism as to the thing named love, his conviction of its gross selfishness, his scorn of sentimentality and of the hypocrisy that would idealize an ephemeral emotion grounded in base, egoistic appetite.

All 'love,' all attraction of whatever nature, is grounded in sex, he would affirm. The universe is upheld and constantly recreated by the ceaseless action of so-called love. A purely natural, physical phenomenon, therefore. There is not in life such a thing as a disinterested love.

A mother's love? Margaret once suggested in reply to this avowal.

Entirely selfish. She loves her child as part of herself; all her pride and ambition for it are because it is hers.  

Posted by jfeded at 13:08Comments(0)


ensuring our independence

In the interview, he batted back claims that SoundCloud (SC) is facing tough times, insisting that by drastically cutting headcount by 173 people recently and closing two major offices, SC is on its way to “taking back control” of its destiny and remaining a major independent force in the music and tech industry. He also hinted that new products were being planned and championed SC’s still unique ability for artists to upload their music and be discovered, unlike the major music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer Our university researcher have been pushing the boundaries of sustainable development with innovative breakthroughs that are changing our world for the better.
“We had to lay off 173 people from our team, or 40 percent of SoundCloud. All of them are incredible people. It’s incredibly sad. But we’re very focused on doing what we can to support them,” he said.
“We saw the amount of support [for these people] from the SC community. They produced a google doc themselves, which SC is also supporting. I wasn’t concerned the news [about the layoffs] leaked, because at that moment I had to deal with telling the company, which was more important hotel hong kong There are numerous hotels in Hong Kong and GuangDong Hotel will be your best choice. Our hotel located in Tsim Sha Tsui which is surrounded by a busiest commercial, shopping and entertainment area.
I suggested to him that SC was rumored to be still hiring people as close to two weeks before the announcement. He suggested that this was just circumstantial: “This is part of a shift in strategy. We [often] hire people in several countries and it takes a while before they join the company.”
SoundCloud turned over €21.1 million in revenue in 2015 — up 21.6 percent on the prior year. However, in the same period, operating losses widened 25 percent to €48.6 million — as net losses accelerated 30.9 percent to €51.2 million. Operating losses are more than double the size of that compared to revenue. By cutting staff and closing offices ,they’ve achieved a total saving of €16.9 million. So, surely this is a problem? They still have a big gap between revenue and profitability.
Ljung was combative: “We’re one of the largest music platforms in the world. Even just yesterday we were in the top 20 of all the apps downloaded in the app store. So we still have an enormous user base and growth and engagement. So the platform is still growing. Creators are huge on the platform. The numbers of tracks are still growing. So everything in terms of the business is doing well.”
He said they have many more music licenses, and now ad revenues, subscriptions from Go and Go+ products.
But, I asked, could they have not foreseen these coming problems earlier?
“We decided we’re going to grow our way into this. We doubled revenues in the last 12 months. We decided we would take more control. We laid off 173 people, that’s a considerable cost-saving, consolidated offices, our users are going up, revenues are doubling and the reason for this is we’re taking more control of our own future, creating a path to profitability and ensuring our independence at SoundCloud
He refused to answer if they had previously been trying to raise a rumored $250 million, but did say: “We are fundraising at this point, but that’s not as interesting as music on the platform… We have licenses with pretty much the entire music industry and are very supported by the entire music industry. We’re monetizing content for the industry. And these days we have emerging talent on SoundCloud. The music industry is supportive.”
I put it to him that not all in the industry were supporting: They compete now with Spotify, Deezer etc.
“We are building an independent SoundCloud, which is completely unique. You can can find artists there that don’t exist anywhere else. Many are the next ones to accept Grammys. There is tremendous financial and cultural impact on SoundCloud. It will stay strong.”

Posted by jfeded at 12:37Comments(0)


ensuring our independence

In the interview, he batted back claims that SoundCloud (SC) is facing tough times, insisting that by drastically cutting headcount by 173 people recently and closing two major offices, SC is on its way to “taking back control” of its destiny and remaining a major independent force in the music and tech industry. He also hinted that new products were being planned and championed SC’s still unique ability for artists to upload their music and be discovered, unlike the major music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer.

“We had to lay off 173 people from our team, or 40 percent of SoundCloud. All of them are incredible people. It’s incredibly sad. But we’re very focused on doing what we can to support them,” he said.

“We saw the amount of support [for these people] from the SC community. They produced a google doc themselves, which SC is also supporting. I wasn’t concerned the news [about the layoffs] leaked, because at that moment I had to deal with telling the company, which was more important.”

I suggested to him that SC was rumored to be still hiring people as close to two weeks before the announcement. He suggested that this was just circumstantial: “This is part of a shift in strategy. We [often] hire people in several countries and it takes a while before they join the company.”

SoundCloud turned over €21.1 million in revenue in 2015 — up 21.6 percent on the prior year. However, in the same period, operating losses widened 25 percent to €48.6 million — as net losses accelerated 30.9 percent to €51.2 million. Operating losses are more than double the size of that compared to revenue. By cutting staff and closing offices ,they’ve achieved a total saving of €16.9 million. So, surely this is a problem? They still have a big gap between revenue and profitability.

Ljung was combative: “We’re one of the largest music platforms in the world. Even just yesterday we were in the top 20 of all the apps downloaded in the app store. So we still have an enormous user base and growth and engagement. So the platform is still growing. Creators are huge on the platform. The numbers of tracks are still growing. So everything in terms of the business is doing well.”

He said they have many more music licenses, and now ad revenues, subscriptions from Go and Go+ products.

But, I asked, could they have not foreseen these coming problems earlier?

“We decided we’re going to grow our way into this. We doubled revenues in the last 12 months. We decided we would take more control. We laid off 173 people, that’s a considerable cost-saving, consolidated offices, our users are going up, revenues are doubling and the reason for this is we’re taking more control of our own future, creating a path to profitability and ensuring our independence at SoundCloud.”

He refused to answer if they had previously been trying to raise a rumored $250 million, but did say: “We are fundraising at this point, but that’s not as interesting as music on the platform… We have licenses with pretty much the entire music industry and are very supported by the entire music industry. We’re monetizing content for the industry. And these days we have emerging talent on SoundCloud. The music industry is supportive.”

I put it to him that not all in the industry were supporting: They compete now with Spotify, Deezer etc.

“We are building an independent SoundCloud, which is completely unique. You can can find artists there that don’t exist anywhere else. Many are the next ones to accept Grammys. There is tremendous financial and cultural impact on SoundCloud. It will stay strong.”

Posted by jfeded at 12:35Comments(0)


Treat yourself

Long time no contact, no contact. Their hard work, their life, have no intersection, should stay in the past, let it stay in the past. If the yuan, will be see. If not, do not see. Is this.

Shakespeare said: if we ourselves will himself as the soil, it will become others on something. In fact, the others think what kind of person you are is not important, important is whether or not you must own; others how to beat you, is not the focus, focus is whether the others before you beat you, you lost to yourself. Many people fail, not each other really have more powerful, but lost in his own spell in the scare.

Life, is used for business, not to dispute; affection, is used to sustain, not used to test; the lover, is used to love, not to hurt; money, is used to enjoy, rather than measure; lies, is used to break, not used to whitewash; trust, is used for precipitation, not used to the challenge.

Lucky Max life, than in the life way, found his mission in life. Yesterday's events would happen today, only occurred in different people. When you feel guilty, don't evade, to face life, face the fate, when you were born in this world must face the fate, this is destined. Perhaps at this time, when you repent, you the effort.

The passage of time, before the silly love may be enduring as the universe, perhaps this one simple word makes us feel infinite sadness, but in the older, you slowly understand these two words to each other harm, but also one of the most simple truth, that is "let go may bring beat all happiness to each other, as long as a person happy, that's good, at least we are involved in this effort."

Remember people not respect for others, but for his respect. Don't want to remember others, also don't want people to remember you. Remember that a person, not remember a specific image, but the memories of a life, any life is evil or good life. We should hold the attitude of life.

You really love a person, that person will be you most want to forget time appear in your heart, in your most difficult most lost time appear in your heart, but you actually think and think it cannot determine whether to tell him how you feel now, you are upset, because for you to care about her feelings, care about her idea. But sometimes the more care is easy to lose, the more likely to get hurt.

Understand one thing, and you grow up. See a thing, you are on the right track. See a thing, you reason. See a thing, you mature. See a thing, you come to an end. There is a thing, you put down the. See a thing, you are smart. About one thing, you will succeed. Seeing a thing, you will experience. See bad things, you will cry. On one thing, you are awesome.

Disappointment is the prelude of hope! If not disappointed, how can there be hope? We should learn to appreciate every disappointment, may be disappointed by precipitation of hope and glory will achieve more. But life is not always disappointed! Life, not the best, once extremely disappointed, that is another kind of attitude! If disappointment can recover, I hope will be more close, this is also a key step towards hope, disappointment and hope that the only this one step!

And sunshine person together, the heart will not dull; and happy people together, the mouth Cape will often smile; and enterprising people together, the action will not lag behind; and generous people together, doing things you don't mean; and wise people together, when you will not lost; and smart people together, doing things you will become alert; grateful person, treat others; cherish people, treat yourself.  

Posted by jfeded at 18:02Comments(0)


White lotus

You said you only Ailian, like lotus, there is no otherworldly; you say, do you like the sunset, and I cooked a pot of tea, see Lotus taking the net, listen to the song of the homebound fishermen, reward miles haze; you said, you think about me in the breeze, see the mountains, etc. the night away the glitz, static and keep this section of the most beautiful love; you say, my past life is Buddha before the blue lotus, not for salvation, only for this life and meet with you, in the deepest in the world of mortals, wait for the reunion that heart!
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I have worked with the spring breeze about, such as peach blossom, with you to the world in April. However, the unknown ending already before I arrived, the world April fragrant as the flower Shabana Feifei sky, Charly, heaven and earth! My bead curtain manjuan, just waiting for you to ride the red, white and dart! But the original, I expect the myth, but is in the water, flowers in the mirror, what is worth homecoming ruthlessly scouring! A thin cool air to turn a Shengshi fireworks.

Now, I to Lotus elegant, waiting in the thousands of years, only waiting for you, my beautiful. And you keep silent silent, and I finally understand, once a tree flowers, but is also a means quicksand, I'm just a flower on the other side of you, you can never come to me. And love, has become a grain of cinnabar, how you hard, all cannot be denied.


Love is really very wonderful. I love no escape, but to disguise a know nothing; it is in the bottom of my heart is rough, full steam ahead, while on the surface but also deliberately to cover up, pretending to be calm, like a calm of the lake water; when the heart is a volcano, Xiong Xionglie flame can ignite, actually this kind of silent burning, more hot, more thrilling than life. Heart of the bitter, you know, heart pain, you know.  

Posted by jfeded at 16:31Comments(0)


Set You Free

I recently read about an athlete who made it all the way to the Olympics despite loathing their chosen sport. They committed their entire life to seeking one tiny, yet colossal, sentence—I’m proud of you. At some point we all have someone we want to please, whose approval means the world to us.

I have an incredibly clear memory of the person I wanted approval from telling me I was intelligent, the kind of memory that stays crystal clear because you’ve recalled it so many times. I had parroted someone’s opinion about buying a Canadian soda. “We should really support our own economy,” ten year old me said. I had no idea what that meant, but I was looked at with approval, and my heart glowed. It felt so darn good.

I loved that feeling. The approval of my hero. It was nothing like the Olympic athlete, but I made some very big decisions based what might make them proud. I was hugely affected by wanting their approval.

Four months ago this person removed me from their life. It hurt. A lot.

However, in life there is rarely hurt without growth. I recently reflected on myself and my behavior since then and noticed something—I feel free.

After a period of denial and upset, I accepted that this is just how it is. I cannot have their approval. They don’t “get” me. They never have, and they probably never will. It’s not my fault, and it’s not their fault either—it simply is what it is.

This realization made me see how often I was modifying myself according to the thought, “what would they think?” It was shockingly frequent. This person had become an archetype for all kinds of people, and I’d been censoring myself constantly to avoid judgement. I suddenly felt like I’d been a half-assed version of myself my whole life!http://www.kidult-audio.com/tube-amp.html

I’d been using the desire for approval as an unconscious excuse for hiding. My excuse was gone as soon as I realized it existed (as often happens with our shadow aspects). I had no one to point at for holding me back from being truly wholehearted.

It was time to authentically step into myself and stop hiding who I am from others. Even if that person seems likely to be met with judgement. Even if what I really want to do with my life is incredibly intimidating and involves being extremely vulnerable.

Sometimes I miss the ol’ days when I had surrounded myself with judgement-protecting walls. When I could think to myself, “you can’t judge me, psssch, you don’t even know me.” It was safe there with no one seeing “the real me”—safe, and maddeningly, suffocatingly constricting.

Are you hiding? I hid in approval-seeking. Do you hide behind a veil of aloofness? A carefully crafted image? Perhaps well-timed jokes keep people from seeing you? Maybe you hide behind judgment. We all have our ways, and it can be really scary to let them go.

The thing is though, as long as we prevent ourselves from being truly seen, we will never be truly understood. Connection with others won’t be wholly authentic, and we will edit ourselves because we fear potential thoughts in other people’s heads. It’s really pretty silly.

It’s okay to not be accepted. In fact, you will never be accepted. If you finally gain the approval that was so dearly wanted, it will be lost from someone else. (Yourself, likely.) You will also miss out on connecting with people who really do see you, and who think you kick ass.

A messy falling out isn’t necessary to be freed from wanting someone’s approval. You don’t even have to tell them that you no longer care what they think of you. Just go ahead and do what makes you happy, be unapologetically yourself, and go for the things you really want in life. Do your thing, and let them do theirs.  

Posted by jfeded at 19:02Comments(0)


in the wrong place

Tonight, sitting at the end of March, I slowly close to you, close to you, close to you. Please allow me to be filled with thoughts and into spoken, across Cheng Cheng's transfer to you, just for you, and send a wisp of spring, decorate your dream.

This season, Maggie Beauty好唔好Spring is in the air., willow catkin, cool breeze through a pure breath. Fine fine presumably, beauty is not only in the spring, the more I met with you and walk through together bit by bit, remember, is comfortable, read, is warm.
Always like a faint white feelings, such as washing, without any impurities, such as making a turn of the light, it is the beauty of the get along swimmingly with each other, is worth at the harbour. But it is rarely pure world, friendship or love. However, I was lucky, because in the vanity of the troubles of the world, I did not miss you, that has been standing behind me friend .
Time, like wings, one day passed. Time is too short, the memory is too long, so now I can not remember the first place and you know,Maggie Beauty好唔好just remember because I mistook you for a friend with you together, so in the wrong place, met to you. Perhaps the fate decreed by fate, perhaps, a simple line of text, a touch of greeting, has shortened the distance between you and me. Since then, our sister and brother, our heart to heart qi, shadow and shadow hand in hand, you live in my heart, I hide in your care.
Who said, this life meet, even if no results, also put in the mind, treasure. Numerous living beings, many people come and go to poly and scattered, many people once met a band. Not to mention, in the unpredictable life, we need to spend much effort to make it maintain long, only those heart warming picture, are worth bearing in mind, moreover, that person is you, I cherish my brother.
A few days ago, the pain, the point to be taken by surprise, defenseless toss for a long time. I remember talking to you, but also in such windy night, you kindly call me sister, ask the illness, ask people whether they feel hot, every single word or phrase, sincere. I hear your voice, a crossing the ethereal, one point one points on my heartstrings, the tenderness of the warmth, the sweet words, no need to say more, but already remember. At that moment, I was no longer the text in the Yan ϦϪ, you are no longer a broken dream network, we are crossing near friends, we are true, brother.
When the springMaggie Beauty好唔好breeze blows again, I sit before the case, dip in the air the flowers to write your name, residual dream, reading, reading, the heart began to warm up, and then began to panic, pain.
Mind you, is a pale words sad man, you hold a broken the dream and the story of the past, perhaps nobody knows you hard wandering and drifting in the tired, no one knows you emotional entanglements in. I don't know you from where, I do not know that the dream you how can complete, I do not know this dream how much time this how many years can be woven into Kam? But I, can only say that, my dear brother, I is willing to work with you together to face the world, to the April to April allure, Qinxiang bent, I believe your dream will circle.
You listen to, and a floral drifting away, passing ear, it tells us that don't feel anxious, face the vicissitudes of life, smile to see the past, all will have a happy ending, because not to not tomorrow.
At the end of March, I carry a wisp of spring, decorate your dream. No matter how far away, no matter how times change, don't forget, I have a thought. I will always behind you, living peacefully together with you......  

Posted by jfeded at 12:20Comments(0)place


miss! Don’t miss

In a sporting context, Professor Tim Noakes talks about “belief” as the most important factor in the careers of athletes. His direct quote to me was, “What you truly believe in your mind and heart will happen, will actually happen.”

Extraordinary that thinking, and focus, as opposed to science and technology, coupled with genetics, is what Noakes, as a scientist, has as his number one.

Along with that, the “mind’s eye” as it is often referred to, seems to have a different memory system to just what we see through our two windows on the world. It does away with the positive and negative, and sees just the outcomes that you project.

I remember Pete Sampras in an interview, doing the math.

His theory was that if he wanted to get fifty big aces in a game, he would serve twenty-five in practice, and “dream twenty-five” - because his internal recollection would then be perfect, one hundred percent.

There are different factors that can play a part in a game - fatigue, opponents, weather, crowd and a host of others. I am not debating that. What I am saying is that if your “future recollection” or projection of what will happen is better, then so will the result be.

Your body is driven by your internal memory of what to do when the chips are down, you are in the moment, and aces 45/46/47 come through. According to Sampras’ theory, it’s because you’ve seen them before.

Many of us know what it’s like to stand over a putt on the golf course, sometimes with as little as pride riding on it – and if you talk yourself into all the things that can go wrong, they invariably do.

Don’t miss! Don’t miss! Don’t miss!

With an unconscious mind that can’t determine between positive and negative, all it will hear is “Miss! Miss! Miss!”

It’s the basics of “the yips” explained: your inner voice is giving you all the wrong advice, because it is highlighting how much is riding on the shot, not the small bodily movements you need to perfect to make it straight and true.

It’s a concept that has many followers, if you break down the actual messages of motivational speakers, writers and philosophers who talk about positive thoughts and positive results.

Covey, Gibran, Coelho, Robbins - they all talk to millions of people each year, and help them to see a clear picture of their future, and what they want to achieve.  

Posted by jfeded at 18:18Comments(0)


mothers think grass stains

Mother always hope that the ubabee baby wear online is clean and beautiful, cannot tolerate a baby into "little sloppy," often a baby clothes, change a. But in the face of a piece with the milk stains, grease, dirt stain clothes, another problem is the front of the mother -- how to easily wash these clothes clean?

1, if the baby to eat egg yolk, careful not to get clothes, then washing can the clothes soaked in cold water, do not stir, 1 hours later, you can follow the method of washing.

2, if the baby to eat watermelon juice,ubabee cheap baby wears tomato and strawberry fruits, juices dripping down onto the clothing, or clothing with chocolate stains, can use soda water immersion after a period of time, and then hand rub, until the stain, then according to the normal method of washing.

3, clothes with milk stains, can use cold water washing, can be removed and then use the washing powder with enzyme washing.

4, sometimes the baby to eat, probably because not good or bad breath and bring food to make the clothes dirty, encounter this kind of situation, can wipe the rejection, and then rinse with washing powder with enzyme washing it.

5, take the baby to go to the park to play,ipazzport Air mouse the baby likes in the grass somersaults, roll, dirty clothes also can hardly be avoided. Many mothers think grass stains are hard to wash, do not let children according to their own way of playing the. In fact, there is grass stains on clothes washing, if normal is not effective, can use gauze dip alcohol scrub.


Posted by jfeded at 18:12Comments(0)clothes


moccasins and offerings

As the new generation of students gathered hong kong gifts & premium Products on this chilly, rainy day, local resident Marian Davenport explained her unusual attachment to this site. She recalled rafting down the river years ago, then engorged after a flood, when she spotted something unusual jutting out of the banks.

“It was horrifying,” she recalled. “Coffin boxes sticking out.”

On a similarly cold, grey day in May, 2001,Executive Gift Manufacturer types and the ever evolving a group of elders gathered here to rebury the remains of 34 children who had been unceremoniously unearthed due to years of flooding and erosion. The rest remain lodged somewhere in the riverbanks, unmarked, largely forgotten.

But not to Laurie Sommerville, another local resident who took a special interest in this place, and started looking through archives and church records. So far, she has come up with executive gift products make the funny life the names of 27 students who died here and helped organize this field trip to “gift” at least some of them back their names.

“Our research isn’t done,” she said. “We’ll still try to find them all. The rights of a child, I think, they have the right to an identity and I learned that from these [Strathcona-Tweedsmuir] kids.”

Carrying small moccasins and offerings of tobacco,The Executive Gift Products And Solar Energy Items
as the students milled around the cemetery, they reflected on what they’ve learned. Benjamin Coleman, 12, said he was glad he could honour the aboriginal children who lived – and died – here.

“I felt really sad,” he said. “What happened here was very tragic. People can’t forget it.”


Posted by jfeded at 17:22Comments(0)gift


low temperature environment

In the cold winter, the clothing of mom and dad to worry about is the baby, worry less wear can let the baby catch cold in winter, so the baby will be Mom and dad wrapped like dumplings. But now life is better, many families have heating. The heating at home parents, the clothing must not ignore the baby clothes, to increase or decrease .

The heating chamber to wear less clothes

Baby if you wear too much or often sweating, pores in the extended state, it is easy to catch cold catch cold sick. So it is often said: "to children, Suobi Mi of hunger and cold."

Another point is that, when the baby to the ambient temperature over 34 ℃, can cause fever, then a lot of sweat, cause dehydration, acidosis, and even brain hypoxia.
According to the specific situation of indoor temperature and cold baby to give the baby to change clothes.

So in general indoor low temperature environment, baby clothes to wear is provided for: "underwear, thin sweater or cotton clothes + thick sweater"; under the "warm underwear + Maoku thin or thick cotton pants + thick trousers". In a heated room, should moderately reduce clothing.montagut
Mom and dad in the baby dress simply grasp a point, that is the baby's clothes only than the adult to reduce a.

In addition, mom and Dad don't always afraid the baby cold, also wear a lot of clothes for the baby in the room, and even some parents in the baby sleep with hot water bag, heating apparatus. In fact, in the indoor excessive warmth is disadvantageous to the baby, even cause "baby stuffy syndrome".

タグ :barcode-life

Posted by jfeded at 13:27Comments(0)baby


patch on Scotch whisky

High quality global journalism requires premiumngifts gift & premium investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights.

And baby milk is in massive demand, a hangover from 2008 when melamine-spiked milk killed six babies and left hundreds of thousands sick. Chinese parents have been distrustful of local milk ever since; more recently, they are even shunning multinational manufacturers’ milk that is made in China – giving rise to enterprising students buying up the stuff in the UK and selling it online in China.

Danone itself followed suit last month,premiumngifts hong kong gifts and premium selling Dutch made formula on the TMall portal – presumably figuring that if there was a trade to be done, it might as well scoop up some of the margin.

And there is big margin to be made: ‘smuggled’ cans regularly go for $35 and premium ranges can comfortably exceed $50 – fair risk when the Customs allowance in Hong Kong is 1.8kg and smugglers exceeding that face jail.

Which is why it is not such a bad present after all.premiumngifts gift and premium fair

Sure, the taste isn’t a patch on Scotch whisky. But just think of the online auction recycling potential in a commodity that is going up faster than gold is falling.


Posted by jfeded at 13:46Comments(0)gift


device smaller

Milwaukee middle-school science Safety surface special material teacher Josh Zimmerman has been selling his home tech inventions for a while on his own Brown Dog Gadgets site. But now he's turning to Kickstarter to commercialize what he says is his most popular creation: a solar USB charger. His original unit fit in an Altoids can; the latest is a far more powerful and sexy fold-up unit.

The base model is an 18-by-7.5 inch Plastic wood like the natural woodfoldable black canvas charger with three solar cells that output about 5 watts, (1 amp of power at 5 volts) directly to a USB port. Zimmerman claims an iPhone connected to the charger in direct sunlight will fully charge good playground equipment is very cool in three hours. There's also a 24-by-7.5-inch 7W version with slightly bigger solar cells that can charge an iPhone in two hours and a recently added 32.5-by-7.5 inch 10W version with four cells. Handy grommets in the folding case make it easy to hang the charger on a backpack or in a window. And of course, the USB ports allow it to charge any phone or device smaller than a laptop with a USB connector. (A small charger can't charge a big tablet, duh.)

Should you need to charge in the dark of night, Water slide is a funny sport there's also a lithium 2600mAh (milliamp hour) Power Bank battery to store all that solar energy. The 1W LED in the end of the Power Bank doubles as a flashlight. Zimmerman also offers two bigger Power Banks—5600mAh and 10,000mAh; the larger one lacks the LED flashlight but has two USB ports. (There are also lots of cheaper USB Power Banks elsewhere online, and even Zimmerman says his are pretty standard.)


Posted by jfeded at 13:45Comments(0)solar